acciona Open de EspaƱa presented by Madrid

Thursday, 26 September, 2024

Madrid, Spain

Club de Campo Villa de Madrid

Angel Hidalgo

Quick Quotes

Q. Barring the last few holes that was a terrific round of golf out there. Talk us through that 65 from your perspective?

ANGEL HIDALGO: I played really, really good today. It was a long time I didn't stroke the putt as well as today. Doesn't matter if I hole it or not, but the way I was stroking the putt was great.

Yeah, unlucky the last few shots, two bad swings with the irons, and well, unlucky. But pretty happy I sign this round all my career here, but yeah, looking forward the next three days.

Q. You found some real momentum on that front nine. How key was that?

ANGEL HIDALGO: Yeah, it was an important one, especially when I hole an important putt on No. 6. I think that was the key for the next three birdies, that putter. This course have this type of stretch that you can make a few birdies in a row. So yeah, today, pretty happy, I'm not going to lie, obviously if I make three pars to finish, I'd probably be more happy but yeah, it's good.

Q. How much is it more of a boost when you play at home?

ANGEL HIDALGO: Yeah, well, it's different. I'm not going to lie. You feel the love. You feel the support. Yeah, it's incredible playing at home, and I wish that we could play more tournaments here.

Q. On the broadcast there was a lot of talk about your driver and the technique. Just talk us through it and what you gained from the speed.

ANGEL HIDALGO: Well, they cut it for me now, the last two weeks. I was talking with the Cobra guys and we was talking about, we need to do something. So we cut the driver. We put like a mini driver shaft, and then they took a little bit more weight in the head. So balanced a little bit more. But when I hit the shot, it doesn't flex as much as normally.

I hope I can stay with this shaft more. It's working good.

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