acciona Open de EspaƱa presented by Madrid

Friday, 27 September, 2024

Madrid, Spain

Club de Campo Villa de Madrid

Jimmy Walker

Quick Quotes

Q. Great round today, 3-under, and 4-under for the tournament. Can you just talk me through your round?

JIMMY WALKER: Yeah, we didn't have much wind this morning. We teed off 10 and I thought it was there to score. I shot 3-under on the front. Played pretty solid. Hit some nice shots.

Then the back, I just kind of let it slip a little bit. Didn't take care of the par 5s. Had good looks. I three-putted one of them, and had about an 8-footer on what is it, 7. So that was kind of a bummer.

But it felt like it could have been better but maybe the weekend got it all going, put it all together.

Q. Good finish at the Irish Open to get in here. How does it feel to be back in Spain and playing in Madrid?

JIMMY WALKER: It's cool. I've never been here before the fans are great. Everybody is out enjoying and having a good time and good tournament. Looks like the weather is going to be really great for the weekend. Food has been amazing.

So I can't stay up till eight clock to eat every night, but I've had a good time, first time, and I've been enjoying it.

Q. What's key on this course? What are you going to work on?

JIMMY WALKER: I think for me around here, and most everybody, is driving it well. The fairways are relatively tight, and so just tidy that up a little bit this weekend, and see what happens.

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