acciona Open de EspaƱa presented by Madrid

Friday, 27 September, 2024

Madrid, Spain

Club de Campo Villa de Madrid

Tommy Fleetwood

Quick Quotes

Q. A 69 out there today, Club de Campo. Talk us through the day out there.

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Started off really well and just turned out to be a bit frustrating. For the most part -- there was a couple iffy shots. Bad break on 9, if you like. But you know, it's not the worst position to be in but yeah, just after such a hot start, felt like I was playing well. A bit frustrating to not shoot a better score.

But that's golf. So got to deal with it and move on.

Q. I was going to ask, as a course, how tough is it to stay patient out there? There are some holes that can trick up out there.

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Yeah, of course. I think you can make a mistake at any given time. I think that's the nature of a lot of European courses. You don't have to do a lot to be just slightly out of position, and then yeah, you can make a bogey out of nowhere, which is the frustrating part, if you like. There's always chances. I feel like there's a couple of tough holes to finish. I felt like 16 and 17 were pretty demanding but yeah, that's one of the beauties of the test, if you like, and got a full weekend ahead.

Q. Yesterday, the gusts were up. How different of a test was it?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: It was still windy. It wasn't anywhere near like it was yesterday for us. You've still got to stand up and hit golf shots. It's not like downwind makes it any better.

I felt like the course was that bit firmer and faster, if you like, today. That first bounce downwind was pretty big. So you had to sort of be pretty precise, and if you -- I drove it well for the most part but if you are off the fairways, that's when it becomes really, really tricky.

I think you just look at the scores, and that gives you a fair reflection of how tough it's been to shoot a really low one.

Shane had a great round today. He did everything right and so then obviously when you're playing with someone like that, you feel like you should be doing better when you're playing well. But clearly by the scoring, it's not that easy. It's a really good golf course. You have a great chance of shooting low, but also you can get punished, as well. I think that's how tournament golf should be.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
148647-1-1003 2024-09-27 16:52:00 GMT

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