acciona Open de EspaƱa presented by Madrid

Sunday, 29 September, 2024

Madrid, Spain

Club de Campo Villa de Madrid

Tommy Fleetwood

Quick Quotes

Q. Bogey-free today. Can you assess your round?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: I played very well. I still feel like I've left shots out there. But it's been a good week.

I feel like, yeah, continue to play what I would say is pretty good golf without quite getting what I want out of it. But yeah, you know, it's been a good week, so don't overlook that.

Q. What's been your favourite part of the week and being back in Madrid?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: I think it's a beautiful city. It's a great golf course. I think the tournament, the way it's been hosted and the way everything has been run this week is exactly how a golf tournament should be. So everybody should be very proud of that.

It's always great coming back to Europe and to a major city, and I think all of that has been the most fun part for me.

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148717-1-1003 2024-09-29 15:16:00 GMT

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