Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Thomas Pieters

Quick Quotes

Q. You must be happy with that start.

THOMAS PIETERS: Yeah, definitely. Didn't play my way out of the tournament the first day, so that's good. I was not in good ways yesterday, so I kind of didn't expect this today, like I said, I felt horrible this morning even when I woke up, so but maybe it's just because I wasn't thinking about bad shots or places not to hit it, I was just my caddie told me hit it there and I did it and that was, I kept it simple.

Q. What was going on with the body?

THOMAS PIETERS: No idea. I had a fever yesterday, just headache, everything. I think a bit dehydrated and jetlagged and no idea, really.

Q. Second Olympics in Tokyo, Rio five years ago where you finished fourth. How excited are you to be back here again for the Olympic games?

THOMAS PIETERS: This morning was, when you get to the course and you realize this is like once every four or five years, it hits you every time, so yeah, I was really looking forward to teeing off.

Q. I'm guessing you had a COVID test considering your symptoms and it came back negative?

THOMAS PIETERS: Yeah, yeah, yeah, both days. I stressed a little bit yesterday, but then I just had a bit of fever, like I said, I felt tired, I had a headache, but I think it's quite normal -- I just didn't drink enough on Tuesday I think and I was just tired.

Q. Better now?

THOMAS PIETERS: I'm a bit better, yeah.

Q. I read in your bio about the fourth place finish in Rio. How does that motivate you?

THOMAS PIETERS: A lot, yeah. Being from a small country we have got two medals up to now, you just want to -- if you just get one more for your country, I mean it's like legendary status back home. So, yeah, I just want to get a medal, it would be lovely. But long way to go.

Q. Not feeling well, but you came out here and shot this number. Any idea why that was?

THOMAS PIETERS: Golf. Like I said, I just didn't think about places not to hit it, I played the back nine blind, my caddie just said, hit it there, I was hitting my driver pretty well and gave myself plenty of chances.

Q. So you hadn't played the back nine at all?


Q. So luckily you had Adam on the bag.

THOMAS PIETERS: Adam did a great job.

Q. How long has he been on the bag?

THOMAS PIETERS: Over six years now. And he's not going anywhere. So that's good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110786-2-1044 2021-07-29 03:32:00 GMT

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