Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Adri Arnaus

Quick Quotes

Q. Some comments on your round today, your first time at the Olympics, right?

ADRI ARNAUS: Yeah, you know it really felt really good to be out there. It was like a dream come true, I enjoyed it from the start to end, so it was very cool to be out there and, yeah, at the end also really pleased how I started, I played quite good, very solid with everything and gave myself a few looks and was able to convert a few, so happy with the first round and looking forward to the next.

Q. Was there any special hole or moment out there that kind of gave you some momentum in your round?

ADRI ARNAUS: Yeah, you know, I felt like I played really, really good on the front nine and kind of cooled down after the 3-putt on 10. And did a good putt on 11. And then on 12 I'm finding myself behind the tree and I just had to lay up and I got a really good par, really good par on 12 from a hundred meters, which that gave me the momentum. Converted the birdie on 13, so that kind of clicked for me and was able to finish it off quite well.

Q. Were you surprised to see the score of 8-under in that first group? Were you watching the scoreboard at all?

ADRI ARNAUS: Yeah, I was watching it and, yeah, I think it's out there. You definitely have to play really, really good, which obviously that's what he did and all those guys that are making birdies there. You have to play really good, you cannot just take anything for granted. But, yeah, no, that's the target, try to do that on the next few days and we'll be good.

Q. Has your experience in Tokyo so far been kind of fun?

ADRI ARNAUS: Yeah, yeah, I don't think it gets much better than being mixed with all the athletes and getting to meet some of the Spanish icons from the sport, it's been really, really cool and, yeah, no, it's been awesome.

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