Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Joachim B. Hansen

Quick Quotes

Q. You must be fairly pleased with the first round.

JOACHIM B. HANSEN: Yeah, very much. 5-under, can't complain. Made a lot of birdies and played decent.

Q. What was the key to the round?

JOACHIM B. HANSEN: Keep the ball in play and hit a few close, which gave me a good chances and I also holed a few long ones which helped me with momentum on the round.

Q. Conditions out there hot and humid. Very hot. Back nine was very hot when the sun came out? How do you cope with it?

JOACHIM B. HANSEN: Used the umbrella a little bit, nice shade under that umbrella which keeps us a bit cooler when the sun is baking you.

Q. Your first Olympics I believe?


Q. How has the experience been?

JOACHIM B. HANSEN: Awesome. Awesome on the first tee with the presentation and all that. Yeah, it's a great tournament, great week.

Q. Have you been, are you in the village this week?

JOACHIM B. HANSEN: No, we are half an hour north from here.

Q. So you've not been to the village to soak it all up?

JOACHIM B. HANSEN: No, we went on Sunday. We got here Sunday morning, so we spent the Sunday in the village.

Q. Any highlights there to share?

JOACHIM B. HANSEN: Just great to see all the buildings, all the flags, all the athletes, had lunch there as well and just cool to see all kind of different athletes there.

Q. It's only the first day but you put yourself in the mix for the tournament. What would it mean if you can do this for your country?

JOACHIM B. HANSEN: A lot. I mean, it also means a lot for people back home, so I'll do my best to see if we can get up there.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110792-1-1044 2021-07-29 03:47:00 GMT

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