Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Sebastian Munoz

Quick Quotes

Q. Some thoughts on your first round here today at the Olympics. What was that feeling like?

SEBASTIAN MUNOZ: It's pretty special. It's the first time in the Olympics, so it's quite different, quite a feeling, but the course felt great, felt normal, felt comfortable, felt on a mission. Made seven birdies, which is pretty good. Couple mistakes. But I felt like it's a good score to start and we're excited for what's coming next.

Q. Out of those seven birdies was there one that really stood out to you that was a little different from the others?

SEBASTIAN MUNOZ: I felt like the one on 4, it's a tough par-3 and it kind of got me going, that kind of, Joachim was playing great, so it was great to kind of make one and get going. So I felt like that first one really helped me to have a good round today.

Q. You mentioned Joachim was getting going and then you probably saw on the board Sepp posting a low one up there. Was that anticipated from you, did you think the scores were going to be that low?

SEBASTIAN MUNOZ: To be honest, no, I thought when Joachim when he turned the front at 5-under and then when the next board Sepp was at 8, so it was kind of shocking. But I mean he's a really talented player, he can go low and if he did it, me too, you know, I can make it too. So there's definitely opportunities out there, the greens are receptive and the greens are pure, so we just have to be patient and hopefully catch fire.

Q. Your experience in Tokyo so far, what's that been like?

SEBASTIAN MUNOZ: Really good. A lot of firsts for me. Just humbled, humbled by a lot of different athletes, a lot of different guys. The best athletes in the world are here, it's fun to be in the village, it's fun to see them do their thing, talk to them, knowing people, it's definitely something, so really thankful that I'm here and really excited to pursue this tournament and many others.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110794-1-1044 2021-07-29 03:54:00 GMT

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