Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Carlos Ortiz

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you summarize your round here as far as being here at the Olympics?

CARLOS ORTIZ: It's a great round, I'm really happy the way I played. It was, everything wasn't perfect from the beginning, I had to figure it out a little bit. I couldn't hit the fairways and this golf course is pretty tough from the rough. So once I got in a rhythm and started hitting fairways it became a little bit more easy and opened up the golf course. And obviously you guys have seen these greens are perfect, so if you start to roll the ball great you can make a lot of putts.

Q. I heard you talking about the experience in the Olympic village.

CARLOS ORTIZ: It's been unbelievable. It's just something -- I almost stayed in the hotel and I would have regret that so much. Just being able to share rooms and meals and with other athletes. And I'm staying with a group of like the coaches and boxers and a guy just won yesterday his fight, I was watching. It's just something different, like it's something that it's once in a lifetime experience.

Q. What are your expectations for the next round and the coming days?

CARLOS ORTIZ: There's not really any expectations, I'm going to come here and try to do my best, same as today. That's what I try to always show up, you know, I'm always happy if I give my hundred percent and that's my goal every time I tee it up in any tournament.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110795-1-1044 2021-07-29 04:09:00 GMT

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