Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Christiaan Bezuidenhout

Quick Quotes

Q. How was today for you?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, it was good. Really hot out there. Humidity is high. But a solid day, played well and gave myself a lot of chances, so didn't take all of them, but 3-under is a decent start.

Q. I was about to ask, I've been here for a few minutes and it's really hot, like the few hours, is it like especially hot for you even golfers who have to be in hot conditions often?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, hotter than last week in South Africa and it's wintertime there now. So flying back here, it was a shock to the system. But, yeah, it's the same for everyone, it was just try to keep your hands dry and just stay patient and just give yourself chances.

Q. What do you think about the next round? Have you had time to look at the scoreboard, how does it look like overall?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Not really. I haven't looked at the scores yet. It's one of those courses that gives you opportunities to make birdies, but if you hit it off line it's going to punish you and it's going to bring bogeys and double bogeys into play. So you have to treat it with respect and so far I've been driving it well and giving myself lots of chances, so hopefully I can convert that over the weekend.

Q. This is like a really private club here in Japan. How do you see the course and the facilities?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: It's unbelievable. It's probably some of the best greens that I've putted on in my life. Everything's just perfect. Hats off to the Japanese Federation and the Olympic Federation for this support and the golf course is in perfect condition.

Q. You have the Masters tournament, how do you feel about the Olympics, like among golfers, how do people like see this tournament?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: I think most of us just treat it as a fifth major basically. Everyone wants to win gold, everyone wants to win a medal, just like in the majors, everyone wants to win the trophy and win a major. So I think it's the same vibe and everything. Everyone's so competitive and everything, which is a good thing, so, yeah, loving it.

Q. Since we know the story behind you, what happened to you as a child with the poison, is that something you feel comfortable talking about?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah. I mean, I've probably done about a hundred interviews on that, so, yeah.

Q. So how do you look back at that now and the situation that you're in now?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, it's a big honor to be here now. I mean, I've come a long way since then. I've had some obstacles in my life but, yeah, I'm here now and I'm just happy to be part of this historic event and be at the Olympic games.

Q. Is what happened something that you think about or just when us journalists ask you about it a hundred times?

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: No, I don't really think about it much. I mean it's in the past, I've put it behind me. I'm just lucky to be here and to just to play golf and enjoy life.

Q. You have a great chance of succeeding here now after the first round.

CHRISTIAAN BEZUIDENHOUT: Yeah, I mean just solid starts are pretty important to the next three days here.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110797-1-1044 2021-07-29 04:32:00 GMT

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