Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Marc Leishman

Quick Quotes

Q. (No microphone.)

MARC LEISHMAN: The conditions were fairly easy, but fought back well there on the back nine. Three birdies in a row and still got a chance. So it's really important tournament to get off to a good start because I feel like if you don't finish in the top 3 it doesn't really matter. So I still got that chance, three good rounds and you can try and medal.

Q. Is that a concern in the back of your mind at the beginning of the tournament to be a bit conservative and not blow it?

MARC LEISHMAN: Oh, for sure. Every golf tournament you got to be mentally there and not make any silly mistakes, but I think this one it was even more important because of that top 3. I mean they give out three prizes here, so usually if you finish 40th or 20th there's a big difference in prize money or FedExCup points or whatever it might be. But here you have to finish in that top 3. But at the end of the day you are still representing your country, you want to make everyone proud and hopefully I'll be able to make a lot more birdies the last three days and do that.

Q. Tell us about the Olympic experience. It looks like you and Cam are making the most of it.

MARC LEISHMAN: We're having a lot of fun. We get along so well together and he's always doing something to make everyone laugh, so yeah we're enjoying ourself. We haven't had a chance to go into the village yet. But that will be cool if we get a chance to do that. But, yeah, enjoying ourselves, hopefully we can make a lot of birdies, sort of egg each other along and try and fight it out for a medal.

Q. Your take on Cam's mullet?

MARC LEISHMAN: I love it. Yeah, it's definitely a talking point. I mean, he's so well known now because of his hair, so I think it's like he said a few months ago, it's become part of him and I really think it has. So I think it's going to be here to stay. Don't think I'll be growing one, but yeah, no, it's just really cool that he can do that, have some fun with it. To have hair like that you got to have good fun with it and he's certainly doing that.

Q. What do you take from today into tomorrow?

MARC LEISHMAN: Towards the end there I drove it a lot better. Early on I didn't drive it well. Well I didn't drive it badly, I was just missing fairways, and if you're playing out rough here it's very tough to get distances right into the greens. So if I can drive it well tomorrow I feel like there's a really low score out there so hopefully I'll be able to do it.

Q. Talk about the course.

MARC LEISHMAN: The course is great. The greens are perfect. There's no wind today, so hopefully the wind can get up a little bit and make it play a little tougher. But I'm still in it, so, yeah, so there we go.

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110800-1-1044 2021-07-29 04:53:00 GMT

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