Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Anirban Lahiri

Quick Quotes

Q. How was it?

ANIRBAN LAHIRI: It was good. I think I started off a little dodgy first few holes, couldn't get my rhythm going early. But then I settled down nicely. I think I played pretty good. I probably feel like I could have taken some more chances, some opportunities on the back nine I didn't make as many birdies as I could have. But I'm playing well, so I have to build on this and as you can see already there's a lot of opportunities if it keeps playing like this, soft, there's not much rain today, then you have to go out there and just really be aggressive and make a lot of putts.

Q. After a few days here do you feel like you're getting to know the golf course a little bit better?

ANIRBAN LAHIRI: Definitely. I got a full 36 in, nine every day the four days leading up to the event, so I felt pretty comfortable on the golf course. Obviously the tournament setup's going to be a little different but I feel like it wasn't as hard as they could make it. So to that extent it was pretty gettable today. Also I think in the lead up the last few days it's been much more windy, today we barely had any wind, so a good day to go out and take advantage. The greens are beautiful, they're perfect, they're rolling great, golf course is immaculate. So, yeah, I mean, I'm satisfied, I would have liked to be a couple shots better, closer, but three more days to go.

Q. The introduction on the first tee does it feel any different from other TOUR tournaments?

ANIRBAN LAHIRI: Not really, I was just asked that a moment ago and I truly feel like a veteran now, because I've, there's pretty much nothing that I haven't played that there is to play. So to that extent I felt surprisingly calm and relaxed and focused on what I needed to do. So really not that much different, which is a great sign for me because I want to be able to play with that attitude through the week and play my best.

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110801-1-1044 2021-07-29 04:57:00 GMT

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