Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Yechun Yuan

Quick Quotes

Q. A quick assessment of your round. 2-under, how was that?

YECHUN YUAN: I think I played pretty solid overall. I'm not going to lie, I was a little shaky on the first tee, but I shook it off pretty good after two holes, I got in a rhythm, played some good golf since then. I hit a really great shot into the par-5 14th. It was really solid overall. I didn't make too many mistakes. It was a little bit unfortunate to be under the lip of a bunker on 18, but I'm pretty happy with how I played today.

Q. How special was it on the first tee when they announced your name and your country?

YECHUN YUAN: Well, that's something, you know, it got my heart pumping I'm playing a lot more than just for myself, I'm playing for a lot of people, I'm playing for a whole country that supported me all along the way and that was really special for me.

Q. Does this feel like a regular TOUR tournament or do you feel totally different?

YECHUN YUAN: I would say I prepped the way I normally would have prepped, but definitely there's a little more into it than a regular TOUR event. It just means more.

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110802-1-1044 2021-07-29 05:01:00 GMT

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