Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Hideki Matsuyama

Quick Quotes

Q. Impressions of the round?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: Had a little bit of a hard time on the back nine but hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to put together a nice round.

Q. I know you knew there were not going to be fans here but what did it feel like to be in your home country without them here today, actually playing?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: This experience could be the first and last that I ever get to do to play the Olympics in my home country, but hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to put together a better round.

Q. Do you feel any pressure of playing in Japan?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: If I say there's no pressure I'll be lying, so hopefully I'll be able to embrace the pressure and that's upon me and just try to put together a nice tournament here.

Q. Do you feel comfortable talking about that? I mean mental strain's become kind of a big talking point in the Olympics with Simone Biles and Osaka even before that, do you feel comfortable discussing that openly?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: No preference there either way. If somebody asks me about the pressure, I'll answer.

Q. When it's as easy as it can get, no wind, does that make it harder?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: Wind is probably not the biggest factor here but just simply I didn't play well today.

Q. What was the most difficult about playing after so many weeks without playing in a tournament?

HIDEKI MATSUYAMA: Yeah, it was very difficult. Probably towards the end a little bit of a mental side and focus kind of faded away from me, so that's something that I need to put together for the rest of the week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110804-1-1044 2021-07-29 05:23:00 GMT

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