Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Gunn Charoenkul

Quick Quotes

Q. Level par today, how was it out there for you?

GUNN CHAROENKUL: It was kind of tough and I think because I was kind of afraid that I might irritate my thumb today, so I was kind of babying everything around the course and most of the time I wasn't committed to my shot, but I had some really good up-and-downs today. The putting was okay for the most part but I'm very happy with how my putter is progressing for now. I guess I got to be very patient out there. But I'm very happy for Jazz. So he's playing so well today, so hopefully he'll keep that momentum going into the next three days.

Q. What's wrong with the thumb? Tell us a little bit about that.

GUNN CHAROENKUL: I had a -- well so many doctors -- I went to couple doctors. One is like just a normal like inflammation. Another guy is like it could be the, could be hyper extension. So I'm just on pills right now and hopefully I get through the week and it wouldn't get much worse than this.

Q. How old is this injury?


Q. You're not going to miss this week though.

GUNN CHAROENKUL: Yeah, I mean, it's a first for my sponsor ever that anyone is representing in their pretty much in their program to go to Olympics. So my name is in there and if I don't come and play it's the same thing as not playing in the Olympics, so I just want to be here and make them proud, make my family proud.

Q. How was the moment when they announced your name on the first tee, the country?

GUNN CHAROENKUL: I would say I would be more nervous if there was a crowd, but luckily there's no one around, I wasn't as nervous. But at the same time I was very proud to be announced, my name on the screen and everything.

Q. What are you looking forward to the next few days?

GUNN CHAROENKUL: Hopefully can go low next couple, the next three days and give myself some chances for the medals.

Q. Despite the thumb?

GUNN CHAROENKUL: Well, you got to aim high, even if you got a few struggles.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110807-1-1044 2021-07-29 07:38:00 GMT

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