Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Jhonattan Vegas

Quick Quotes

Q. What was the first day like at the Olympics for you this year?

JHONATTAN VEGAS: It was fun. Being here just wearing your country's colors is always fun. Obviously a little bit disappointed in not having people and getting that great welcome that Japanese fans could give us here. But it's fun. Like I said many times, every time you get to wear your country's colors in an event and play for something bigger than yourself, it's something that is more than golf, so I enjoyed it, I had a good time and I'm glad that I played well today.

Q. You did play well and was there something that you did particularly well or what was working best for you?

JHONATTAN VEGAS: No, nothing, absolutely nothing. I feel like I've been playing good golf recently, just playing with a lot of confidence. Obviously I had a rough start on the first hole, made, had to make a 5-footer for bogey. But I was able to just kind of be calm after that and I just made six birdies. So I just feel like I'm playing well and a little confidence and but really enjoying the week more than anything it's just that. When you get to enjoy yourself, then good things can happen.

Q. You were in contention last week in the United States and coming here again. One person could say you're coming in with a lot of confidence, but also that's a big ask to travel from there to here and tee it up again. How do you feel about that?

JHONATTAN VEGAS: Well it's definitely really hard, especially getting here a little late, getting adjusted to the time change and all that stuff, it's hard. But obviously having confidence in your game and knowing you're playing good golf you just have to trust yourself and let the game happen. Especially on a week like this where this is bigger than yourself and you just got to try to enjoy it and let things happen.

Q. You're a two-time Olympian now. Just a handful of guys that have done that in golf. I mean does that make it even more special?

JHONATTAN VEGAS: It does, I mean it does, especially as golf grows and as golf grows in the Olympics and just to put your name in the history like that it's always cool, it's always fun, especially like I said, on an event bigger than golf and yourself, this is what sport is all about. It's just fun being, putting your name in that.

Q. So tonight relax a little bit, kick your feet up, what do you do, work out, what do you do when you go back?

JHONATTAN VEGAS: Try to get some sleep. I've been struggling a little bit with sleep with the time change, but literally what I've been doing is just kind of going out to the village and walking around and seeing some of the athletes and talking to them about their sport and how they're doing. Like I say, having that part at the at the end of the day has been kind of fun the last few days.

Q. Is there anybody that you run into that you were like, oh, that's cool?

JHONATTAN VEGAS: Oh, there's a lot of people. Obviously one that comes to mind was Novak Djokovic that I saw him the other day, it was just literally cool just to see be sitting close to him. Obviously he's the best player in tennis and I'm a big tennis fan, so that was fun for sure.

Q. Did you talk to him?

JHONATTAN VEGAS: I didn't talk to him.

Q. Maybe later in the week.


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