Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Patrick Reed

Quick Quotes

PATRICK REED: Adrenaline got me going early on today, which allowed me to kind of keep going, but really the body hung in there a lot better than I expected. I didn't sleep, I had 35 minutes of sleep Monday morning, well technically Tuesday morning, Monday night because just trying to get all the paperwork, make sure I had everything to get on the flight and with our flight leaving early, so actually almost feel like that helped me because it allowed me to go to sleep on the plane and kind of get on time son and I slept through the night last night I felt good today coming out and really the swing even after talking with my coach, the swing actually held in there all day, so wasn't really a swing issue, a couple mistakes out there, not really knowing spots to hit it, kind of ended up in bad spots, but besides that it wasn't too bad.

Q. What was an example of a bad spot you hit into?

PATRICK REED: 17. I hit a good tee shot on that hole and I didn't realize that where that flag is it looked like the green was kind of sloping towards us, so you had to hit something really soft in there from 94 yards, hit something soft to take off the spin, and it landed, back part of the green actually slopes away from you, so it skipped over the green made bogey, rather than from that distance if the green was running away like that I would just hit normal 61 and not worry about spinning too much. Got way with it on 15, didn't realize how severe that one was, hit a full sand wedge there and it ripped off and almost came all the way to the front of green, was 60 something feet away. It's just stuff like that where the good thing is both those shots I feel like I hit exactly how I wanted to and it landed where I wanted to, but obviously was not the right spot. But knowing that now and kind of going into the week, we're able to kind of see the golf course and know where we're supposed to attack and where we're not.

Q. Can you lean on -- they're your teammates, but they're also your competitors -- can you lean on your teammates for course notes?

PATRICK REED: They were helping me out, just on certain things, kind of knowing firmness and certain things to look at, but there's only so much that other players or other people can really help you out with because, if you think about it, JT hits it way past me. And then you have Xander, he spins his irons more than I do. And then also then you go to Collin and he hits cuts and I hit draws. So it's hard to sit there and be like, all right so how does this golf course play, etcetera. But it's just one of those things you come out here, you see it for the first time and if you're playing from the fairway it's pretty easy after the first couple holes to figure out how the greens react and to attack this become.

Q. My first few days here I wanted to go to sleep at 3 o'clock. And that's when you had the rain delay.

PATRICK REED: I was feeling it during that rain delay. Kind of getting back in, because it was hot, you're able to allow the adrenaline go and got in the rain delay, in air conditioning, you're sitting around. But the good thing is I came back out and through the warm-up and got on that first hole which was 14, par-5 for me and hit a great drive and good 3-wood and ended up starting out with a birdie. So I feel like actually after the rain delay I was hitting the ball straighter than I was before it. So it kind of helped me on that aspect, even though the score didn't reflect it, but I felt like after the rain delay it kind of helped me after the rain delay.

Q. Did you see the course at all yesterday?

PATRICK REED: Right before the sun came down I was able to drive around, but didn't hit a shot or anything, but was able to see part of the layout, but saw the last four holes in the dark.

Q. Where were you when you found out you would be coming here?

PATRICK REED: I was playing, I was in the 3M, I was in scoring on my third round when they told me that afternoon. The team and with Mack and Andy and those guys, they did unbelievable job on really helping me out on making sure I had the testing where I needed to get everything done, without their hard work and everything I wouldn't be here right now.

Q. What were the circumstances of KK caddieing and not Kessler?

PATRICK REED: Kessler is tired. He's worn out. We were supposed to not play last week, decided to play last week and then we weren't supposed to be here this week, so he needed a break and it was kind of we thought it was a good time for him to take a break going into the rest of the year.

Q. Was KK already here?

PATRICK REED: No, we came together.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110810-1-1044 2021-07-29 09:01:00 GMT

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