Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Viktor Hovland

Quick Quotes

Q. First shot as an Olympian, did it feel any different?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Not really, just felt like kind of a tournament. The only thing that was a little different was being lined up on the first tee and being announced in that way, that was a little bit different and I think that was kind of a cool thing. But other than that, it's a tournament and you're trying to do your best.

Q. Overall view of the round? Pretty happy with it?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, a little disappointing finish, because I played so well the first half of the round and a little into the round, it's just bogeying 17 and 18 is never a good finish.

Q. Did the rain delay have any affect?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: I felt when I sat down in the delay that I was very, very tired but if anything I felt like it helped because I got some food in my body and was able to get back out there a little bit fresher. Just ended up not hitting the best shots and making a couple bogeys.

Q. Was there any similarity to your other experience playing in Asia?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Maybe a little bit because we played in China and this is Japan, not to say that they're the same, but we're in the East and has kind of the same feeling with the course as well. It's a big area, big greens, and as well there's not that many people out there, so it has some of the similar feel to it, yeah.

Q. Anything you learned from that experience that you brought into this?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Nothing specific, but just staying in the village and just kind of getting that perspective of it, I think more outside of the golf course felt pretty similar.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110813-1-1044 2021-07-29 09:34:00 GMT

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