Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Jazz Janewattananond

Quick Quotes

Q. That was quite a dream start for you.

JAZZ JANEWATTANANOND: Yeah, definitely it feels really good to be out there representing Thailand. That gold medal from the Taekwondo is still in my mind, playing that big role for sure, that remind me of why we are here playing for tie land, playing for the country.

Q. How special was it to be announced on the first tee this morning?

JAZZ JANEWATTANANOND: Yeah, I played a major already, I just -- I know I got really nervous at the Masters but this is almost as nervous I think it's almost more nervous than at the Masters pretty much. When they say Jazz Janewattananond from Thailand I'm like, oh, we got to go now.

Q. What was the key to the low round?

JAZZ JANEWATTANANOND: Playing golf with a different mindset. You're playing, you're not playing for yourself you're playing for the country, you're playing for the medals, you're just going for it, you're just playing with all your heart, it's different.

Q. I overheard you say earlier that breaks in between can happen and especially in Asia. Can you tell me a bit more about how you prepared for the second round of action after the break?

JAZZ JANEWATTANANOND: Just different for everyone. For me I'm just when I take a break I just take it easy. I don't want to, I kind of switch off a little bit, have fun with your friends in the clubhouse and all that but it's going to be a long day because if it's a thunderstorm it could be five, six hour round, seven hour round. So when you have a chance to break, you just take it.

Q. Can you tell me how much inspiration you take from Thailand's earlier gold medal in Taekwondo?

JAZZ JANEWATTANANOND: Yeah, I mean we literally watch it on the TV in the recreation room in the village and it was pretty special. Me and Gunn our teammate watched it together. It's just two of us versus like 20 Spanish guys surrounding us. So it was, you don't want to scream too loud, you I don't want to get killed there, but it's playing a role for this day for sure.

Q. What were the emotions like? Did the Spanish guys understand?

JAZZ JANEWATTANANOND: Yeah, I mean it's sport, right? You have winner and you have a loser. So we haven't had one gold medal in a long time I don't think. I don't know if we had one in 2016 or not, I'm not sure. But it's good to see it live live. Like I'm right there in the village stage in the same floor in the same building as her.

Q. Finally, because I read on line that back in 2016 you took a short break from golf to become a monk actually. Can you just tell me about your rational behind entering the monkhood in 2016?

JAZZ JANEWATTANANOND: I think it's just a culture thing in tie land like when you turn 21 if you're a Buddhist you do it. But it's a long, such a long time now, it's just, it's a different chapter now.

Q. Do you have perhaps if you can tell me just a little bit about how you implementing any rules or any lessons you learned there?

JAZZ JANEWATTANANOND: Yeah, I do that for sure. Just a little bit different, right? You can still take a step back and look at golf a bit differently. Like, okay, you're a human being and in golf you try and mix them together.

Q. So it takes off the pressure?

JAZZ JANEWATTANANOND: Yeah, a little bit.

Q. Have you ever played here?

JAZZ JANEWATTANANOND: I want to play here again, it's just quarantine is too hard. I tried this year with the visa, the visa is hard as well, so I can't really come here. I want to come back and play on the JTGO it was really fun year in 2019.

Q. When was the last time you came?


Q. What does Olympics mean to you?

JAZZ JANEWATTANANOND: It's probably the biggest tournament of my life. Like next to the Masters. But obviously no.

Q. How much fun is it to see your name on the leaderboard right now?

JAZZ JANEWATTANANOND: I mean it's early in the tournament, you can't win the tournament on the first day, but you can get yourself a good position for sure. So I think I did that, I put myself in a good position and I just tried to hang on and try to keep going on.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110814-1-1044 2021-07-29 09:44:00 GMT

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