Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Mackenzie Hughes

Quick Quotes

Q. How did you feel?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: It was fun. That first tee was pretty cool. I heard what it was going to be like, so I had a bit of an idea but it's couple when they finally announce it and the ball gets rolling there. So, yeah, felt pretty good out there. I was playing quite nicely just before the delay and it's always tough when it's this hot to sit around for as long as we did and then get back going again and I just didn't quite feel the same, but overall it's a decent start, not ideal, but doesn't put me out of it.

Q. What did you do during the break? Were you cooling off, were you having water?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: I thought about sitting outside for most of it but once the delay got longer and longer I was inside and I cooled off quite a bit and I mean you're so sweaty and you go inside and it's so cool comparatively, so you get like these huge range of temperature, but I just sat there, I had a little bit of lunch, hung out, told some stories with some guys and we just kind of were chilling, nothing to do really.

Q. Corey was saying that at the first tee when they announced his name his heart was pounding and he really felt, it felt different from a PGA TOUR event. For you when you heard your name called and you're standing there how did it feel for you?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: I would agree that it felt a little bit different, but very similar, I mean I always go back to like you do the same things even though like the moment might feel a bit bigger, you're always focusing on the same things. So it's like, okay, what can I control right here in the moments. So I just go through my process and I just like I would for any other shot. Maybe an extra deep breath and you just try and embrace it. But I definitely felt like it was the start of the Olympics, not anything else.

Q. You must be, 2-under you're still in Olympic terms you're still in the pack chasing the leaders, do you feel okay with that position after day one?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: I have to because that's what I got. So I'll be gearing up for tomorrow and I know tomorrow and Saturday will be important for me to get in position for Sunday, but I know like I played well enough today to shoot 4-, 5-, 6-under. I got a really bad break on 10. My ball was plugged under the lip and I made a great bogey there. But yeah, a few putts fall and you shoot 5-, 6-under par and you're right back in it.

Q. We saw from social media that you guys had a nice dinner party in your Canadian tuxedos. Was that just for team bonding or what was the thought?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: Yeah, we were just having a little fun with it. We got these outfits, whatever you want to call them, and we just thought it would be kind of fun to throw them on and probably only wear them that one time. They're quite out there. But they're cool. I mean they're something I'll look back on and probably hold on to for a long time and maybe pass down to my grandchildren or something like that. So it's a cool memento and yeah it was kind of fun to kind of just -- we had some good laughs in those jackets.

Q. It's theoretically the closing ceremony outfit but you guys can't be here, right?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: Yeah I don't think we're going to be here because I don't even know when the closing is it's probably well after we're done. So we'll be long gone and so won't get a chance to wear that jacket again.

Q. For tomorrow, I'm curious obviously you learned a lot on the course, what's the strategy heading into round two?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: It's really going to sound boring but nothing different. Maybe like the round like today where I try to capitalize a bit more and be a tiny bit sharper. If I can kind of turn a 69 into a 66 or 65 tomorrow then I'm kind of right back in it. But I don't have a number in mind necessarily, I I'm just going to go out there and try and play some good golf and try and close that gap over the next couple days.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110815-1-1044 2021-07-29 09:51:00 GMT

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