Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Alex Noren

Quick Quotes

Q. Could you talk about the experience of representing the country and just teeing off today.

ALEX NOREN: Yeah, good experience overall. I'm very happy to be here, very happy to be here and not stressing about the tournaments around it. I wasn't too sure maybe two months ago what my schedule would be like and but I'm happy to put some good results in right before this so I can be fully here and it's something different with the Olympics than maybe a World Cup, you're playing for your country still, but here it's, you know, you're playing for medals and you got all these sports where you have opportunities and golf is another opportunity.

Q. 4-under today, great start. If you could talk about what was working for you today.

ALEX NOREN: Overall I hit enough fairways hit enough greens and that. Hitting greens helps a lot and I think I only missed two greens and you're going to have a good score missing only two greens. So then it's just a matter of how many putts you can hole. Struggled a little bit with the pace on the greens, but overall 4-under is a decent start.

Q. The obvious thing, very hot out here. What's your strategy against that?

ALEX NOREN: Yeah, just drink enough some energy drinks and just try not to think about it weather quite used to it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110816-1-1044 2021-07-29 10:02:00 GMT

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