Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Rafa Campos

Quick Quotes

Q. If you could just talk about your experience today and first go round.

RAFA CAMPOS: No, the experience is phenomenal. You have to tell yourself a couple times like, hey, don't worry about it, this is the Olympics and try to enjoy it as much as possible. Unfortunately for me it was just a really bad ball striking day, I just couldn't put the ball in the fairways. But ironic because you're not hitting that many drivers out here, you're hitting plenty of hybrids and 3-woods but I had a really tough day putting the ball in play and consequently a bad score. But overall I'm in the Olympics.

Q. Yeah, you are. So what's the plan now? Will you go to the range?

RAFA CAMPOS: No, tomorrow's an early day, definitely. We have an hour and a half drive back so more than likely I'm just going to head back and try and regroup. Swing feels really good, something's wrong, I don't know why, I'm missing the ball right off the tee more than not. So I'll kind of get back to it. I mean good thing is we got three more days, all I need just a quick start in the first couple of holes and mentality sets in and give it a go.

Q. Have you been getting to experience some of the stuff? Are you in the village or are you elsewhere?

RAFA CAMPOS: It's pretty cool, I think I sat down in the dining area, my dining like moments are three hours, just trying to see everybody I could that goes by which is really cool. I saw Djokovic a couple times. It's really impressive to see the big tall guys, I don't know, you got everything, you got seven-foot guys and then all of a sudden you got like football players that look like they might kill you. So it's really cool.

Q. So finally, just despite the fact that there's no spectators and it's kind of difficult being sort of isolated and stuff, it still feels like an Olympic experience?

RAFA CAMPOS: It really does. It's funny because I really had the jitters in the first tee box. I felt really calm throughout the rest of the day, but just before I felt really calm and once I stood on the first tee box I'm like oh, wait a minute, we're representing Puerto Rico in the Olympics and yeah, you know, like those jitters come up. But it's really cool, you definitely feel like hey we're competing in the Olympics we're still competing for our country we want to do as well as we can. So it's really cool. It truly is.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110817-1-1044 2021-07-29 10:02:00 GMT

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