Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Cameron Smith

Quick Quotes

Q. Tough day at the office today. Did the weather disruption impact you at all?

CAMERON SMITH: Maybe a little bit jetlagged still. I think coming from the U.S. last week probably didn't help. But, yeah, I felt a little bit tired those last few holes, but a few coffees in the player room before we went out helped me out for sure.

Q. Hanging in there still?

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, it wasn't too bad today. Pretty solid, to be honest. Didn't hit too many fairways and there's so many opportunities around here, if you can hit fairways and I just struggled to, struggled off the tee and that's what really hurt me today I think.

Q. Plan for tomorrow?

CAMERON SMITH: Much the same. Probably going to go just hit a few balls now, get the coach on the phone and hopefully we can figure something out with the driver, just wasn't quite there today but the rest of the game is feeling really nice.

Q. Tell us about the Olympic experience. What's it like being part of the team with Marc and how is that all working?

CAMERON SMITH: It's great. Marc and I are really good friends, we get on really well, it's nice to root for someone else other than yourself every now and again. Obviously wearing the coat of arms and the green and gold is pretty cool. So yeah, can't wait to hopefully make Australia proud over the weekend.

Q. The reaction to the mullet so far has been sensational. Did you expect that and how has it been?

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, I thought the AUS in the side may have got a little bit of reaction, but not very often do we get to play for our country as individual golfers. So, yeah, this is why I put it on the side of the head and see how it went.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110818-1-1044 2021-07-29 10:02:00 GMT

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