Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 30 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Rory Sabbatini

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you summarize today's play?

RORY SABBATINI: I didn't get off to the start I wanted, I was just kind of struggling to get going. And then on the back nine I just had to kind of take a step back and be a little kinder to myself and not stress myself out there. Managed to start putting the ball in the fairways off the tee and then the last couple holes I gave myself some opportunities and started to get dialed in with the putter and made some putts. I turned a mediocre day into a good day, but I know going into the weekend I'm going to have to have two great days.

Q. I understand you've been asked this question so many times, but you represent Slovakia this time so how do you feel about that?

RORY SABBATINI: Oh, it's fantastic. It's been a great environment to be around all the Slovak athletes and the Olympic team and they have been very hospitable and welcoming and we have had a lot of fun in the team room. It was a good day for Slovakia yesterday getting the gold in skeet shooting and a new world record for Slovakia. So sad we could not be there to celebrate with her, but we're there in spirit. But we're out here to do our job and hopefully I can put two good rounds together and give them something to cheer about on the weekend.

Q. I read an article, so your wife's cousin is the president?

RORY SABBATINI: He's the president of the Slovak Golf Association, yes.

Q. So you helping to promote golf there?

RORY SABBATINI: We originally -- the whole principle about me getting my Slovak citizenship and representing Slovakia is to try and generate interest among the junior golfers and to create future generations of Slovak golfers.

Q. So is there any other, are you feeling embraced by Slovakia?

RORY SABBATINI: Definitely. The support has been fantastic and so hopefully I'll give them something to cheer about this weekend and inspire a few new golfers and maybe some desire to be future Olympians in the young girls and boys in Slovakia.

Q. So to get a medal is?

RORY SABBATINI: To get a medal would be something amazing.

Q. To promote the golf in Slovakia?

RORY SABBATINI: Yes, definitely.

Q. How special is it to have your wife on the bag?

RORY SABBATINI: Oh, it's great. I don't know if she's enjoying it as much as me but, no, it's great. She's got a tough job and but she's staying in there, she's got two more days of tough work to do.

Q. Have you been able to soak in the Olympic experience?

RORY SABBATINI: We got here like almost a week early, so we got to experience being down in the Olympic village for almost a week, so it was a lot of fun, but now it's time to work for us.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110879-1-1044 2021-07-30 03:15:00 GMT

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