Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 30 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Jhonattan Vegas

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice round, if you could just talk about what worked for you today on the course.

JHONATTAN VEGAS: Yeah, today was a little bit of a tougher round than yesterday, but managed to shoot 1-under, which is always good, always shooting in the red is good. So I just kind of struggled out there, I was a little bit out of rhythm today, I didn't really play all that great, but managed a good round a solid round just to keep somewhat of a pace with the guys playing well. So going to need some rest after this heat and get ready for tomorrow.

Q. A little bit of delay again today, how did that work for you, did that work for you?

JHONATTAN VEGAS: It actually worked out great. It has worked out great the past two days, I birdied the last hole twice after the delay. So if it's going to continue to do that I hope we get a delay on the same hole every time.

Q. Goals for the next two days?

JHONATTAN VEGAS: Play hard and hopefully at the end of the week you're one of those three guys standing. So that's the goal, we're going to go for it and I just got to play aggressive and hopefully things will work out.

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110884-1-1044 2021-07-30 05:53:00 GMT

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