Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 30 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Thomas Detry

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice to par the last to keep the back nine going.

THOMAS DETRY: Yeah, exactly right. I didn't hit too bad of a shot down the last hole, but it's a tough one on the last, the rough is thick, so any drive a bit right or left just doesn't give you an angle to the green or just gives you a bad lie and you can't go for the green with the water short. So very pleased with the way I finished, would have been a bit of a shame to finish with a five or six because I was in a pretty bad spot down the left side. But very pleased with the way I was playing. I kept patient, had a little bit of a hiccup on 14, a par-5, bogeyed it but came back very strongly after that, three birdies in a row. So very pleased. I think I'm in a good position for the weekend so hopefully I can capitalize on that and get a medal for Belgium.

Q. How has the Olympic experience been so far?

THOMAS DETRY: It's been a bit of a mixed feeling I want to say. It's been fantastic to be here with all the athletes but there's so many regulations and restrictions that we have to follow. It would have been amazing to go see -- I know some of my Belgian teammates hockey players are playing this afternoon, it would have been unbelievable to go watch them play, but unfortunately we can't do that so we have to stay here, practice and go back to the hotel, so that's a bit of a shame. But it is what it is, hopefully three years time it will be different.

Q. You won the World Cup with Thomas Pieters years ago, what would a medal do for Belgian golf?

THOMAS DETRY: It would be huge. We're a small country, we don't have as many athletes as other countries do and winning a medal would be absolutely fantastic. We're not a country that brings back home like 25 or 30 medals a year, so for us even one medal, like whatever it is, obviously we all want gold and that's what I'm striving for, but if you get something, if I get something around the neck it will be fantastic, I think.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110885-1-1044 2021-07-30 05:53:00 GMT

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