Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 30 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Mackenzie Hughes

Quick Quotes

Q. Not the second round that you set out for, give us a little bit about your round today.

MACKENZIE HUGHES: Yeah, disappointing. There's lots of positives to it, but yeah, I walk away disappointed, I'm further away than I started and I know I have a huge hill to climb this weekend. But I did a lot of good stuff today, I just probably had four, five swings I would like to have back. I haven't been myself on the greens, haven't made much and putter's gone a little cold. So if I can get that heated up and kind of bottle up some of those good swings, you never know. And that's why we're going to play four rounds and I'll give it my all for the next two days and we'll see what happens.

Q. You mentioned it's a four-round tournament, unique in the sense of everyone is always still in it. Talk about adjustments, what adjustments do you think you need to make now? The sores are out there, you know what's in front of you, what adjustments do you need to make?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: I need to find something with the swing, something where I get a bit more comfortable out there, haven't been quite dialed in I would say with the swing. It's been okay, just been a tick off. I need to see a few putts go in the hole. But as far as an adjustment, I mean I'm going to need to be a bit more aggressive on the weekend as far as just making some plays where I kind of got to go for broke a bit. So nothing to lose really, I'm far enough back now where I can I think kind of sort of free wheel. But doesn't mean good scores are coming but I just need it free up a little bit and see if I can go post a low one.

Q. Delayed yesterday on 17, again today on 17. How taxing is that physically, it's a long day.

MACKENZIE HUGHES: Yeah, I've had two long days back-to-back now. Probably multiple hour delays. So that's tough. I guess you can say a bit of a bad break to have it happen two days in a row with a couple holes left but that's just golf and that's just life, it's not always fair and not always the way you see it. So it's all good, I'll get a little bit of practice in here and go get a good sleep tonight and be ready for tomorrow.

Q. When you're playing and you're in a group with you're right there you're with two guys who are right there on the leaderboard, you're always playing your own game but when you're with guys who are right there you could see the tournament in front of you, does that make a change at all in terms of what you know right in front of you?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: I would say it can make it sometimes harder to be as patient watching guys make lots of putts and make a bunch of birdies. You can just kind of want to ride those coat tails and but doesn't always work out that way. Sometimes you just, yeah, don't quite get those putts to fall and get that momentum like the other guys have. So I'm definitely aware that those guys are playing well and trying to feed off that a little bit but I couldn't get my own round started really and so we'll try it again tomorrow.

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110888-1-1044 2021-07-30 06:28:00 GMT

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