Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 30 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Cameron Smith

Quick Quotes

Q. 18, have you ever had anything like that happen?

CAMERON SMITH: No, that was pretty unfortunate. Yeah, I was trying to hit it down there on the left and kind of the rough caught the heel a little bit, went a little bit further left than I anticipated, but yeah, pretty, I mean it was pretty frustrating day as it was, I felt like I did a lot of good stuff today and didn't get the most out of my round and then to finish like that is kind of a bit crappy.

Q. How do you sort of recover from that and put it away? What's the process?

CAMERON SMITH: I know my game's there, like I said, I felt like I hit a lot of good golf shots today. I felt like I had a lot of opportunities, so just need to keep doing what I'm doing and hopefully the putts drop over the weekend.

Q. Stupid question, but someone told me your barber's name is Lee Trevino.


Q. Does he know golf at all and how did you find him?

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, so he lives in Jacksonville, just through a friend of a friend and he's actually named after Lee Trevino too. His dad had the last name and he was a golfer so he decided to run with it.

Q. Does this Lee Trevino about Lee Trevino?


Q. Your ball striking today was a bit better after you spoke to your coach. Seemed like, apart from a couple things at the end, you hit it pretty good most of the day?

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, I hit it really good, just couldn't get into a rhythm after the rain delay.

Q. It wasn't ideal, was it?

CAMERON SMITH: I felt like things were on the right track there and, yeah, a bit frustrating to get called in like that and then to go out and finish it like that is pretty annoying.

Q. 67s a couple higher than what you should have probably had, isn't it?

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah. Yeah, I was 6-under playing the last and probably pretty fair to say I left a few shots out there with that. So I know my game's there, I just need to do much of the same over the weekend and hopefully the putts drop.

Q. You moved your way up a bit. Top 20.

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, progress today, but would have been nice to finish it on a bit of a higher note than that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110889-1-1044 2021-07-30 06:33:00 GMT

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