Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 30 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Alex Noren

Quick Quotes

ALEX NOREN: It's the first time like I actually played for the country, it feels like. Even World Cup you play for your partner, you play for the Federation, you play for the golfers in Sweden. And now, I mean, if somebody wins fencing or swimming, everybody wants those medals and I think it's a cool thing.

Q. Is it different than Ryder Cup for you?

ALEX NOREN: The Ryder Cup, I mean, being a European, the Ryder Cup, I mean it's like more pressure than you can imagine and especially the first time. And that's a relief, winning that thing is a relief. This one would be very exciting. And I loved every minute of Ryder Cup, but it feels a lot, it feels like a lot of pressure and, which it should, but yeah, I didn't think it was as much pressure, but it was.

Q. These first two rounds, have they been more fun than a usual TOUR tournament or just the same?

ALEX NOREN: Yeah, pretty much the same and now it feels like the longer the tournament goes it feels more like the Olympics than -- I mean, if you're like 15 shots back, but coming into the weekend, it's kind of like a weird tournament because of the only thing that matters are the medals, which is, I think it's a, I think it's cool to have a tournament like this and being such a big tournament, but usually you play for points, somebody needs their card, somebody wants to advance into the finals, somebody needs this and this and all of a sudden it's like top 3, otherwise it's not much worth.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110890-1-1044 2021-07-30 06:37:00 GMT

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