Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 30 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Shane Lowry

Quick Quotes

Q. 7-under, you could be playing together with Rory, would that be special?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, it would be cool. You always say you want to play with the best in the world and compete against the best in the world, so it would be nice to go out there tomorrow and like no matter who you're playing with you're trying to spur each other on, the Team Ireland, and we're trying to, between us we're definitely trying to produce at least one medal for the team. And it's not like we would be out there helping each other, but we would be out there kind competing against each other, but it would be nice to be playing with a friend and a really good golfer that's going to, that would be nice.

Q. Do you think the dynamic might work? It's an individual sport.

SHANE LOWRY: I have no idea. I'll tell you tomorrow afternoon. Played with Rory only a few times in tournaments, so I don't really know. It could be when you're playing for me when I'm playing with a guy of Rory's caliber, Rory's ranking as well as in the game I just try and go out and do my own thing, play my own game. You don't play like him, you don't necessarily try and go out and beat him, you just try and go and play your own game and shoot the best score you can and you hope that that's a low one at the end of the day.

Q. When was the first time you two played together?

SHANE LOWRY: No idea. I tell you we played, no, it was later, like I remember I was 18, 19 maybe we played together a couple of times in a couple of teams and we won a European Team Championship together and in 2007.

Q. He talked about this being similar to Akron in that there's not a lot of trouble off the tee it's fairway or rough or bunker and that helping him. Do you get that same kind of feeling?

SHANE LOWRY: He said it the other day, he said, Akron, I said, I can deal with Akron, because I've done okay around there. Then he said something about Mexico City. I was like, Don't mention that one, I'm never going back there. So I think, yeah, look, it is, there's not much trouble off the tee and thankfully because I've not been driving the ball well. Even put my driver away a couple of times today and just hit my 3-wood and it managed to work. So, yeah. Similar comparison. It's something like we play in the States. It's probably a little bit easier than what we normally would because it's soft. Even if you miss a fairway you can fire at the flag and there's chances out there. So yeah.

Q. Do you feel the team aspect of this even though it's individual?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, obviously I would like to see Rory do well, do you know what I mean, because we're Team Ireland. But you're still, especially it's different Sunday afternoon if you're out there playing against each other you want to beat each other. So I always say that it would have been nice if it was a team event, particularly because I would have got to play with Rory, but (laughing), yeah, like we have been having dinner every night together and we play practice rounds together, wear the same gear so you do kind of feel that same element. Traveling to the course together. When you're out there, you're kind of playing for yourself and playing for your country, like that's what I'm out there playing for and my family and friends and my town and where I grew up and I would love to be able to bring a medal back home. That's the reason I came here this week, that's my No. 1 motivation, it's not to come here and enjoy the Olympics and enjoy the experience, obviously I am enjoying it, but my ultimate goal is to bring a medal home and that's, I've done a good job of that the last two days and need to do a good job the next two days as well.

Q. As it relates to the competition if someone were to ask you what's it like playing in the Olympics and how does it differ from other tournaments you play in, what would you tell them two days into your experience?

(Audio ended.)

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