Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 30 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Tommy Fleetwood

Quick Quotes

Q. 2-under for the day. How are you feeling about that?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: I feel all right. Came back out, made a couple of birdies. Just annoying at the last. I don't know why it keeps happening, but a bit of an annoying finish. Knocking that 3-, 4-footer in on the last and I would feel completely different. I got a lot of work to do over the weekend. There was some pretty -- it was a bit more consistent today, yesterday I was a bit up-and-down. Hit it all right, like just need to make a few birdies over the weekend.

Q. (No Microphone.)

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: I played good from the get-go, really. It was just a steady sort of round of golf. I had probably a couple more chances to make birdie, but at the same time was pretty good and pretty solid at just doing the right things. Like I was -- the two bogeys I made, pretty disappointed, it wasn't like I had a terrible lie, hit bad shots on the hole. I played 18 great. Then 11 was a bit of a clumsy second shot and was out of position. But like, no, it was just, it's a bit of a weird one really because you just are looking for like the very top of the leaderboard and like wherever I am just feels a bit knackered at the moment. Like it just feels, yeah, it was all right, it was fine, so it's like it's difficult to sort of stay patient and like just keep plodding on and take what you've got when you know that there's only three positions that really make a difference to you, to the whole event. So, yeah, just feel all right.

Q. Is that the focus on the weekend when you know it's a bit different from usual golf tournaments it's only 1, 2, 3 that make it?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Yeah, you just do the best you can and like I was definitely a bit more present and patient today than I was yesterday, sort of did that better and that's all you can do, you can't force anything, I just try and give it the best I can give it and see where we go. I either play well enough to give myself chances and make birdies or I don't. The key is not to get too frustrated if it's not happening. I think you can go on good runs around this golf course and there are birdies out there. So I'll wake up tomorrow and turn up and if I'm swinging it well I can make a climb in a sort of earlier tee time than what the leaders will be and we'll see.

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