Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 30 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Sepp Straka

Quick Quotes

Q. Birdie on the last, must be a nice feeling for you to leave the golf course this afternoon?

SEPP STRAKA: For sure. Made a mistake on 17 putting that ball in the bunker with a wedge in my hand, but actually hit a good bunker shot to recover and missed the putt, like I did a lot today. But making that putt on the last definitely helped the confidence and just the outlook going into the weekend.

Q. After going low on day one, is it always going to be hard to come out on day two and try to maintain that form of yours?

SEPP STRAKA: I think a little bit in big tournaments like this, just because the outside pressure kind of gets to all of us. But generally out here it's hard to go low on any day, so shooting 8-under is hard no matter what you shot the day before and it's always going to be hard to replicate that.

Q. Still in the great position for the weekend.

SEPP STRAKA: Absolutely.

Q. What the thoughts heading to tomorrow? What will be important for you to do?

SEPP STRAKA: Just keep with the game plan. I'm hitting it really well, try to make a few putts and see where I can find myself on Sunday.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110895-1-1044 2021-07-30 07:53:00 GMT

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