Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 31 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Corey Conners

Quick Quotes - 2nd Round

Q. So tell me about your first 36 holes.

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, a little disappointed to kind of not be a few more under par. Just couldn't get the putts to go in the second round. Yeah, game feels close, just not quite there. Hopefully can get it together the next couple rounds. But it's fun playing with Hideki, had a nice game today. Yeah, a little sour, the second round particularly, but yeah, lots of golf still to be played and hopefully I can get it going.

Q. So with the delays yesterday how did that impact your game plan, how you adjusted?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, always throws you out of your rhythm a little bit, but felt like I did a decent job coming back from the delays and was able to kind of get back in the game. It was definitely a long day, going to be another long day today, but yeah, fairly used to it, honestly, playing in the summer on the PGA TOUR, we off he ten get a lot of delays, so nothing too unusual, but it's always nice when you can kind of keep going.

Q. 36 holes to go, what's your game plan going forward?

COREY CONNERS: Just going to try and be more aggressive, not do anything silly, but just try and get the ball in the fairway a little more and attack some of the pins and hopefully can get the putter hot and get on a roll and make some birdies.

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