Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 31 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Abraham Ancer

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice round today. If you could talk about what worked for you on the course today.

ABRAHAM ANCER: Thank you, yeah, that was definitely more like it. Hit the ball very similar today than the previous days, I just made more putts coming in, which is it was nice to see. Got some confidence on the greens and that's exactly what I needed. So looking forward to tomorrow, got to hit it a little bit better and make more putts to really come in with a big round and hopefully bring some hardware back home.

Q. Carlos was leading, co-leading after yesterday, just wanted to see if that inspired you at all or how did that affect you, what do you think about it?

ABRAHAM ANCER: Yeah, no, I think that's awesome. We play every single week out there on TOUR, so I feel that we push each other quite a bit, we motivate each other. We both came in here playing some good golf and throughout this year we played really solid. It's not a surprise that he is up there and, yeah, obviously you want to stay up with your peers and your buddies, so it would be saw some if we both can just finish it off with a great round tomorrow and see what happens.

Q. You put yourself in a really good position to win the hardware, like you said. What's your game plan or goal for the weekend?

ABRAHAM ANCER: Yeah, like I said, I just, I needed a good round today, that was for sure, to have a chance. I had a really slow start to the tournament, but, yeah, gave me some confidence on the back nine like I said with my putter, that's exactly what I needed. Didn't really see any putts go in the first two days. So today on the back nine finally I felt really good over the ball on the greens and just got to hit it a little bit better and just make a lot of putts.

Q. You're rooming with an equestrian athlete this week. Has that been a positive experience?

ABRAHAM ANCER: Yeah, it's been really cool. I haven't really seen him that much except for the first night. We were chatting there, catching up and getting to know each other. We have some mutual friends somehow and, but, yeah we have been in some completely different schedules and we're far away from the village, so we stay over here and it takes awhile to get back and I pretty much get back and get a little stretch in, eat and then I'm passing out because it's a little bit of a wake up call and it's pretty early.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110928-1-1044 2021-07-31 05:41:00 GMT

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