Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 31 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

CT Pan

Quick Quotes

Q. You put yourself out of the hole after the first round, you must be quite pleased with the last two days?

CT PAN: Yeah, 5-under last two rounds, it showed me I can do it and my game is in it, I just need to, obviously I did an adjustment on my putting stroke after day one, so that really helps.

Q. Was it all putting?

CT PAN: It was all putting. I putted terribly. I think I counted, I had 37 putts on day one so that's more than two point something each green. You can't do that out here, especially with how soft the greens are and how low the scoring will be.

Q. You're going to be a few shots out of the podium finish, does it change the way you are going to approach tomorrow?

CT PAN: No, I mean there are a couple holes that are tough that you just want to get out with a par and easy ones that you definitely want to put yourself in a good position for a 15-footer, 10-footer. Once you gets the ball rolling, get the putting hot, I think anything can happen.

Q. I know you really embrace being at the Olympics the last two Olympics now for you, how much has it meant to you to be in Tokyo and competing and having a chance to medal maybe?

CT PAN: I rust just love representing my people, my hometown. I've been doing that since I was 11. If you look at my name, my initial, CT, stands for Chinese Taipei. So I was born to do it, I love doing it and I had great success before and I just want to bring another happy news back home for people who are struggling.

Q. Are you going to try to work on your game a little bit after this or go rest?

CT PAN: It's been a long day, I think energy saving is more my priority.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110932-1-1044 2021-07-31 06:08:00 GMT

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