Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 31 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Corey Conners

Quick Quotes

Q. Have you played in heat like this before?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, this is probably one of the hotter days I played ever. Living in Florida now used to kind of the heat and humidity but it was toasty out there for sure.

Q. Does it affect grip or do you have to do anything special?

COREY CONNERS: My caddie was on the ball today he had a bunch of extra towels we were dipping some in the ice buckets and keeping them cool, kind of wrapping around my neck and using a bunch of towels to keep my hands and arms dry.

Q. How do you feel about the way it's gone for you so far?

COREY CONNERS: Fairly pleased with the third round. I was a little sour after the first couple, didn't feel like I played my best and definitely made some mistakes that I would like to redo, but nice to play pretty solid the third round again. I could have got a lot more out of the round. I feel like I played well and gave myself a lot of good chances and wasn't able to get super hot.

Q. Are the greens the kind of greens you need local knowledge on?

COREY CONNERS: They're pretty tricky, quite a bit of slope to them. From being so soft the approach shots kind of are tricky with the slope so you got to control the spin, make sure you hit it in the right section of the green, but they're tricky to read, there's some slopes and some subtle break that was been fooling me a little bit. Just find that they're so pure and so uniform that sometimes it's hard to see the slope as it normally would be kind of used to playing in the U.S., more Bermuda grass where you can see the grain. These are like really smooth carpets so the perception of some of the putts is a little challenging.

Q. Does it feel like the Olympics, like without fans, without the kind of trappings?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it does, it feels really cool. Everyone in their country uniforms and the dining and locker room out here on the course. Everyone has got their country kind of all over them and it's pretty cool and I think a lot of people are quite patriotic and it's fun to represent your country. So it's definitely got a special feel to it.

Q. In terms of the life-style though like is it pretty much hotel, course and back?

COREY CONNERS: Haven't seen anything other than the airport, hotel and golf course and been driving back and forth.

Q. Your wife is here. How has that been going?

COREY CONNERS: It's good. It's nice, provides a little normalcy to the week. Kind of hang out with her off the golf course, great to have her supporting me here, always fun. It would be nice if we could experience a little bit more of Tokyo, it's a beautiful city and been here in the past and got to explore and it's really awesome place.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110933-1-1044 2021-07-31 06:08:00 GMT

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