Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 31 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Cameron Smith

Quick Quotes

Q. 66, did you have any number in mind when you started? I think you started seven back.

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, I thought 5-, 6-under today would get me close enough to where if I had another good one tomorrow I could be in the running for a medal. So, yeah it was nice to go out there, especially after a pretty poor start to kind of hang in there and shoot that.

Q. Looks like you're four back as we speak right now. Is it close enough?

CAMERON SMITH: It's going to take a good one. I think if I can get out to a start like I did on those first couple of days, make a few birdies in the first four or five holes I think I'll be looking at it a bit differently. So I just need to go out there and do that.

Q. There's a different mindset given that there's only three prizes on the line as opposed to a TOUR event where you might pick up a top-10 or something even if you don't play great. Is it different? Does it make you have to go more aggressive?

CAMERON SMITH: I don't think it's made me play more aggressive as such. I think it's just a different mentality. If you get off to a bit of a scrappy start in a TOUR event you can still kind of wiggle your way up there and get some good points. Whereas this week I think all you're thinking about is those first three spots and that's just the way it is this week. I think it's probably when you have a bit of a bad stretch it's hard to get back in the groove because you feel like you've lost so many shots, given this place gives so many opportunities.

Q. I think you made a bomb on 11. You scrapped hard early, I think you had to struggle to make par on the first few.

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, the first four holes were pretty scrappy. Just a little change in my swing, just a different swing thought there and it worked the rest of the round pretty good. The ball striking from the 5th onwards is up there with the first couple of days, which is nice. Just need to go out there tomorrow and hit it like I did those last 14 holes and hole some more putts like the one on 11 and it will be sweet.

Q. Any thoughts on the Olympic experience three days in? Does it feel like a really big event, does it feel like a major to you. I know there are no crowds.

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, the crowds I think would make a massive difference but nonetheless the Aussie boys, we have had a great week off the course and it's just been so much fun and it's not very often you get to represent your country, so yeah, pretty proud, proud to be an Aussie. The Aussies are going great in the Olympics so far, so yeah, hopefully we can keep it going.

Q. Is the heat of a bit of a factor when you get towards the end of your round?

CAMERON SMITH: Yeah, today was probably the worst of the lot. Yeah, you just got to keep the water up and keep in the shade as much as you can, but everyone's going to deal with it, so you can't play, "poor me."

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110934-1-1044 2021-07-31 06:09:00 GMT

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