Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 31 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Sebastian Munoz

Quick Quotes

Q. You are in good position, how exciting is it for you?

SEBASTIAN MUNOZ: It is very exciting. Coming down the last couple holes I saw that I was kind of getting close to the leaders, I don't know how they're going to finish, but you kind of feel that nerves, that emotion, that feeling that we chase all year long on the PGA TOUR and on the golf course.

Q. What do you think you've been doing well these last few days?

SEBASTIAN MUNOZ: I feel my attitude has been great, I feel my commitment has improved a lot from the last couple months. I feel my focus has narrowed, so I'm finally kind of playing the golf I feel like I should be playing.

Q. Thoughts for tomorrow? What will be key for you to try and stay in the moment to try and keep yourself in with a shot for a medal?

SEBASTIAN MUNOZ: I feel like what you just said, just stay in the moment, it's really easy to get ahead and start thinking about the medal and all the things that come with it. So if I manage to just stay in the moment, focus on my shot and narrow my focus I think I'll have a chance.

Q. Conditions this week has been brutal, the heat the weather disruptions, do you normally encounter this where you play your golf and how do you deal with it?

SEBASTIAN MUNOZ: I'm used to the heat, I'm from Columbia and growing up we have really hot courses, so that wasn't a shocker. The course is just different from what I'm used to so I think I've done a really good job of adjusting to it and just being patient. It affects all of us and whoever has the better attitude is going to benefit from it.

Q. You are representing Team Columbia at the Olympics. Have you been getting messages from back home pushing you on, cheering you, encouraging you?

SEBASTIAN MUNOZ: Yeah, of course I have.

Q. Any one that stands out which means a lot to you in giving you some inspiration?

SEBASTIAN MUNOZ: No, I try to avoid reading them all, they're a lot and I just kind of want to stay in the moment, enjoy my time here and once I get home I'll address them.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110936-1-1044 2021-07-31 06:23:00 GMT

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