Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 31 July 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Thomas Pieters

Quick Quotes

Q. 7-under for today, if you could take us through your round.

THOMAS PIETERS: I started off pretty decent. I was 2-under through 5. Then I had a lovely eagle on 17. I hit a pitch shot from about 40 meters I think and it dropped in. So that's always a bonus. Then made a birdie on 18, so I really had a fantastic front nine well which is the back nine and then kind of kept it going on the front. Made a really stupid bogey on my 17th hole, on the 8th. But all in all very happy.

Q. Going into tomorrow you still have a chance to win one of those medals. What would it mean to you if you were able to win a medal?

THOMAS PIETERS: Well it would mean the world to me. Being from such a small country, only two medals until now, so, yeah, that's like winning a major for me being from Belgium. So that would mean -- any medal, I mean right now I would be very happy with bronze. So I probably need something like 8-under tomorrow, 9-under, so I need to play the round of my life tomorrow.

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110937-1-1044 2021-07-31 06:34:00 GMT

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