Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Ryan Fox

Quick Quotes

Q. You made a nice push at the end.

RYAN FOX: Yeah, it was just a little too late. I actually played quite nicely all week and got nothing out of my rounds and it was kind of the opposite today. I hit a lot of good shots, but when I was in trouble I made some pars and when I hit good shots I made birdie, which is, that's been the opposite this week. So it was nice to get a decent round under the belt.

Q. Overall experience, second time at the Olympics?

RYAN FOX: It's been great. Obviously a bit different to last time with the COVID scenario and not getting to go to events and maybe not having the same level of socializing that we had last time, but I mean to get to represent your country at the pinnacle, at the Olympics, is pretty cool and certainly something I wouldn't want to turn down and a great honor to do and hopefully I get another chance to do it in the future.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110970-1-1044 2021-08-01 03:36:00 GMT

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