Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Mackenzie Hughes

Quick Quotes

Q. Not the fourth round you set out to do. Tell us about the round today.

MACKENZIE HUGHES: Yeah, it sucked. I sucked like the whole day and, yeah, super disappointing. That's all I can really say about it.

Q. You played in a group with a couple guys who were scoring. What's that level of compete like when you're in that group but you don't feel like you're, like you've got your best game?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: Feel like you're getting run over by a transport truck, to be honest. Yeah, it was really hard to compete those last bunch of holes, just had nothing and the guys I was playing with were tearing it up and it was just pretty helpless feeling.

Q. Recapping the overall Olympic experience, a little bit different, but your first one, at a glance looking back, what's that experience like for you?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: Obviously I'm really proud to be from Canada and to wear the Maple Leaf. I'm just really disappointed in the effort that I had this week and, yeah, it will sting for awhile, but it will make me work hard for Paris and hopefully I'll be part of that team.

Q. Is that a goal, when you sort of get through one you say I'm ready to look ahead to the next one?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: Yeah, I mean obviously it's a ways in the distance, but, yeah, that's where I want to be in a few years time. But yeah, got some work to do before then.

Q. You're going to head home, going to give the kids a big hug and when they say at one time, Dad, what's it like to be an Olympian, what do you say?

MACKENZIE HUGHES: I say it's an experience of a lifetime and I hope to do it again.

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110972-1-1044 2021-08-01 05:49:00 GMT

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