Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Corey Conners

Quick Quotes

Q. 5-under today.


Q. 6-under today, not quite what you wanted, came out with some birdies, walk us through your round.

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, I would have liked to have got a few more birdies to fall on the front nine. Highlight of the round, No. 9 hit a 4-iron out of a fairway bunker to about 12 feet and was able to convert that for birdie so gave me some good mojo for the back nine. I was trying to press a little bit to make as many birdies as I could and really gave myself some decent chances, really disappointed to bogey the 14th hole. They moved the tees up where the hole was reachable today where it really hadn't been that reachable in the previous few days, but made a bogey there. It was tough, but I followed it up with some birdies and, yeah, didn't quite have my best stuff this week, but overall it was good last couple days.

Q. Recap sort of the, as an Olympic experience what's the how do you look back on this week?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it's incredible, it's incredible to feel the love from everyone in Canada as part of the Team Canada and having a good friend Mac here was awesome to share that experience with him, really cool to kind of feel that team atmosphere again like we had in college and some of the junior golf days. Just, it's an incredible spectacle, really proud to have represented Canada and I really look forward to trying to qualify for more teams in the future. I think having fans out on the golf course would have really added to the experience, things being kind of opened up a little bit more, but overall it was still very memorable and definitely motivated to keep working hard and get back to the next one.

Q. A long way away but Paris would be something on your radar already?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, definitely. I got a lot of golf to play between then and now, but I feel like been trending in the right direction so hopefully can keep that up and be pretty awesome.

Q. You're going to be a dad later this year, certainly alive changing thing. At some point you're going to explain to your kids what's it like to, how does it feel to be an Olympian?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it's really cool, I'm very excited this fall for baby No. 1 to come along. Yeah, it's going to be kind of cool to be able to share that experience with he or her. Yeah, it's awesome to be an Olympian. It feels just amazing to feel all the support from everyone across the country and putting on the Canadian shirt every day is definitely a special meaning and special feel to it.

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