Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Collin Morikawa

Quick Quotes

Q. You didn't know what to expect when you came here. Did it exceed expectations and what would you tell someone going into Paris to expect?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: One of the best experiences of your life. I'm walking away whether I get a medal or not I'm an Olympian and that's what I said from the beginning of the week. But I think what today brought out of me was more than just playing for myself I was playing for our country and I was able to fight and dig deep. Sometimes that's what you need. But to anyone that has second thoughts or doubts about whether golf should be in the Olympics or whether they should go and play to represent their country, they absolutely should because the Olympics reaches a wider audience than anything, a lot of tournaments that we play. And whether this grows the game substantially or not, we're doing our part to putting golf on the world stage and to see other athletes this is their pinnacle and I think golf will be very exciting for the future in the Olympics.

Q. Could you talk about today and it seemed like you must have found something today that you didn't have earlier in the week.

COLLIN MORIKAWA: No, no, still haven't found it. I missed a few drives left, I've been hitting 3-woods left and we were just able to make a lot of pars. I didn't have any bogeys today and that's what saved my round. Obviously I had a lot of birdies, but having no bogeys is obviously going to be very, very helpful and making some crucial par putts obviously is some big birdie putts coming down the stretch was huge. But the game overall still feels good, just got to tweak a few things to make sure we're finding fairways not missing it left where I try and take out the course over there.

Q. I think you said in the past that you guys, your family is from Japan that you don't have family here that you can talk to or anything, but that when you've come here in the past that you nonetheless kind of feel a connection with the people and the place. I was wondering how that maybe kind of developed here in the time that you spent here?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Yeah, I think it's definitely developed since playing Zozo Championship and playing the Dunlop Phoenix. Just knowing, I mean obviously I had family out here at some point and it's not like we never were here, so there are, there were family members that lived out here, that grew up here. And to see the support for me because, even though they know I'm half Japanese, is very overwhelming. It's just very, there's a sense of pride there, even though I don't represent the Japanese flag, just to know that people like me, kids that look like me that possibly look up to me hopefully one day, that they can come out here and be the best in the world hopefully, just live out their dreams. It's been really such an honor to come out here because these are some of the best fans. They love the game, they respect the game and hopefully we have a lot more tournaments out here.

Q. Did it surprise you at all how accepting they were of you? I'm sure you heard things about Japanese people and how they can sometimes be --

COLLIN MORIKAWA: I don't know if it was surprising or not surprising, I was just very thankful to be in a place where they are very open arms, but when you look at golf in general, when we played Zozo Championship, they cheered for everyone. And it was some of the best crowds. Walking up to every tee, just lines of fans. And I think that's what a lot of athletes, a lot of golfers will say about coming here that have played here in the past is that they are open arms to that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110974-1-1044 2021-08-01 06:16:00 GMT

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