Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Abraham Ancer

Quick Quotes

Q. Done with the competition, all four days very hot. If you could talk about the entire week of experience.

ABRAHAM ANCER: Done, yeah, the dream is over, unfortunately. I mean, I played pretty solid, I just played three mediocre rounds that I just finished strong there to be under par. Definitely not my best stuff. You need your best stuff here to get a medal, obviously. Yeah, a little bit sad, but there's a lot of positives out of this week, if I'm just looking at golf, obviously how the tournaments that are coming up are extremely important, so I feel good towards that, I just obviously wanted to bring some hardware for my country and it was such an honor representing Mexico. It was a lot of fun, it was a little nerve wracking because you want to do so good and there's a lot of people cheering you on, but also expecting you to play really well. So it was a very interesting week mentally, I feel like it will help me a lot moving forward and dealing with how I feel on the golf course with expectations and all of that. So overall a solid week of golf, just obviously a little bit sad I didn't come back with a medal.

Q. You came so close this time around like are you excited for Paris?

ABRAHAM ANCER: I am. I mean I can't wait to be there. It should be, what, three years from now. I don't know if they're pushing it three or four years but I mean it's such a cool atmosphere and it feels a lot more, even -- I mean we're not playing for any money, but I mean a medal for your country just, it's just so cool. So it's really a neat experience and I can't wait to be back.

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110976-1-1044 2021-08-01 06:37:00 GMT

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