Men’s Olympic Golf Competition

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Rory Sabbatini

Quick Quotes

Q. Silver medalist, how does that sound?

RORY SABBATINI: It sounds quite amazing. It doesn't sound like it belongs to me. But crazy game this sport we play. So somehow found that golden egg today and I managed to get something achieved which I didn't was possible after yesterday.

Q. You came out with a storming round today, eventually set an Olympic record, did you just feel like you were in the groove?

RORY SABBATINI: You know, it's just, it's funny, because I was out there today and I kept just trying to remind myself, okay, don't think ahead, don't think ahead, just enjoy the moment that you're in because you don't know what it's going to end, just enjoy every hole as it comes. It just seemed like every time I kind of had a hiccup out there I was like, oh, maybe this is the end of the run, but okay. And then all of a sudden I kicked back into gear. So it was a lot of fun and it was just one of those rare days that you have on the golf course.

Q. What was the wait like to unfold, waiting for that last group to come home?

RORY SABBATINI: Well, I tell you what, it was for a long time it seemed like it was inevitable that Xander was going to win and then all of a sudden he created some excitement for us. So he definitely kind of put me back on edge waiting there at the end. But, no, it was fun. He played fantastic, he's a great champion and I'm just happy to be able to stand anywhere near him on the podium.

Q. You have your Slovakian wife with you on the bag, you're wearing the Slovakian colors, a great deal of pride there. I wonder what it means for you to win for your adopted country?

RORY SABBATINI: No, it's fantastic. We started this journey, four, five years ago, getting naturalized in Slovakia and designating them as my representation, but the sole purpose of it was to generate future generations of Slovak golfers. It's not exactly the prime sport for kids to grow up want to go play in Slovakia, so hopefully we can inspire future owe Olympians and future professionals.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
110979-1-1044 2021-08-01 07:33:00 GMT

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