Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. Getting ready for your second Olympics. Just share your thoughts oncoming to Tokyo, getting ready to compete for Canada for a second time.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I'm really honored and really proud to be able to represent Canada, especially in the Olympics for the second time, how cool is that? I feel like I really love the golf course here and the atmosphere so far. It's awesome to be able to be here again with Alena, who is a great friend and mentor, so it's just a lot of exciting things happening and hopefully I can put in four solid rounds and see where I am at the end.

Q. You mentioned you like the golf course. What is it about this golf course that sort of suits your game?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I really like tree-lined courses, which this definitely is, compared to Rio. I like this one a lot better. It's very similar to the course where I won the individual World Am back in 2014 here in Japan. So it's a lot of great memories here and I feel like this course is similar in some ways, so hopefully I can take some of those memories and capitalize on some of the energy that they bring.

Q. This is obviously a unique Olympics in that there won't be fans present, although there are a lot of volunteers and they're very supportive of golf, but how do you approach that in terms of a no-fan event on Tour?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Definitely miss the energy and adrenaline that the fans bring every week on the LPGA Tour. It's always a lot of fun when there's lots of fans. I feel like over the last year I kind of learned how to play without the fans, so hopefully I can take some of that knowledge to this week. But they will definitely be missed. But I know back home in Canada a lot of people are cheering me on and supporting me and I'll just try to remember that when I'm out there.

Q. Certainly the ability to have family at the Olympic games is much talked about. You've got Britt with you every week and how special is that for the two of you to be doing this again together as a team?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it's awesome to have Britt by my side all the time and to have her be a two-time Olympian too is pretty cool and really special. And I think we, when we're older and looking back, we'll definitely really cherish this even more. But right now we're just really enjoying it and hopefully making the most of it.

Q. You mentioned being an Olympian. What does it mean to be an Olympian?

BROOKE HENDERSON: This is the biggest stage for an athlete and as an athlete to be here is like phenomenal. It's like the biggest honor, I think. And being able to represent your country on the biggest stage is one of the coolest things, I think. It really motivates you to be better and inspires you and hopefully I can inspire and motivate young girls in Canada too to chase after their dreams and hopefully one day be here as well.

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