Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Minjee Lee

Hannah Green

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We'll get started. I would like to ask each of you, if you could, just kind of, you've been out there on the course. First off, just your impressions of the course itself and how excited are you to be here representing Australia.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I think the course is great. I had the chance to watch the men on Sunday for a few holes, so it was good to see them how they play it. But I've seen all 18 now and I think the biggest thing will be getting used to the heat as I have come back from Australia and it's getting pretty chilly there. But I think we have great chance, we're both in form, Minjee obviously won in her last event and I feel like my game is as good as it has been, I just need to make sure that I can score. So I don't see why we can't have a good week and we're looking forward to it.

THE MODERATOR: You took some time in Australia to get refreshed. What was that like, what did you focus on, how are you feeling now that you're here?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, so I haven't been playing a golf tournament for five weeks, quite a long time, so I'm super excited to get back, a lot has happened in Aussie golf we have had multiple wins on multiple tours, so it's been really fun to watch that. But, yeah, I've had good, some good prep back in Australia with my coach and he's here this week, so it's really nice to have him here and, yeah, I'm looking forward to get back and playing.

THE MODERATOR: Minjee, you're obviously coming off the latest major victory on the LPGA Tour, so just talk about your maybe mindset coming in a little differently having a hot hand.

MINJEE LEE: Yes, I think I'm probably in the best place that I've been in terms of golf and mentally and just seeing the confidence place I think I'm in a really good place coming off the major championship and it was nice to have a week off to see my brother and just kind of regroup. I'm just really excited to be here. We have such a great team with us and it's been a lot of fun so far and just really looking forward to getting tournament started.

THE MODERATOR: Confirming neither of you shaved AUS into the side of your heads did you.


MINJEE LEE: Not that committed.

THE MODERATOR: We'll open it up for some questions.

Q. Can you just go back to your travel from Evian to here. Can you just kind of walk through the whirlwind I'm sure that you traveled through.

MINJEE LEE: Actually it was really easy. I flew back and a couple of our team, like caddies and, like came with us, came with me to Japan. So it was a direct flight and everything in Japan airport was like really, really smooth and we got out in great time, so it hasn't really been that hectic to be honest.

Q. I know you have spoken in the past about maybe adding a team element to this. Can you just kind of talk about that and how in your mind it could possibly work.

MINJEE LEE: It probably would have to be set like -- if it was to be like mixed I think we probably the men and the women probably have to play at the same time, but I think it would just be a nice addition like because we're representing Australia and like a country and like just a teams event I think it would just add a little bit more excitement, even on top of the individual events. So I think hopefully maybe in the future we would be able to add something like that.

Q. I know you played in 2014 at the Women's Open at Pinehurst. What added exposure, if any, did the women get following playing the same course the week after the men?

MINJEE LEE: No, I think maybe it was compared a little bit, just the way the men's events was set up and then the women's event was set up. I don't know, to be honest, I was quite young then, I was still an amateur, it was my first U.S. Open, so I don't really remember too much about what was going on, I was just like really overwhelmed being there and being among such amazing players. So I don't really remember.

Q. (Question in Korean.)

MINJEE LEE: So the first bit -- I mean, when he won the Scottish, I just think that I was even more emotional when he won than when I won the Evian championship, so it was just really nice to see Min Woo win, just with such a, he won in a playoff and I just -- I couldn't actually see him, I didn't see him play, I was flying back to the States. But I called him after and he was just so happy and he said he was like crying 10 minutes for 10 minutes after he won. So that was kind of sweet. I think he probably inspired me to pick up my game a little bit and just kind of play well at Evian. You know, I feel like I'm in a really good place right now with my game and like I can only really prepare for that first shot of the tournament, of the event this week, so I'm just going to go in with just a positive attitude and play to the best of my ability and just do whatever I can control. So hopefully it's a good week for me.

THE MODERATOR: A question from the chat. Minjee, are you feeling kind of perfectly prepared for the Olympics? I think you talked a little bit about it but just kind of your preparation, is your head a little distracted as far as everything that's been going on or do you feel like you can really focus on golf right now.

MINJEE LEE: You know, after I won Evian that was just, like obviously I had a celebration last week and I sort of -- I let myself rest a couple days and things like that. But I think in terms of preparation the last couple days I practiced like normal and sort of put that behind me. Obviously I'm taking the positives out of that week, but I feel like every week I go in it's like a new week, a new opportunity, so I'm just going to take it as a new week. So I'm not -- yeah, I'm pretty focused, yeah.

THE MODERATOR: Hannah, it was a little bit of a sacrifice to go back to Australia and go through that. Does that signify how important the Olympics are to you?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I think I did it more for the back half of the season as well. In Australia you have to do two weeks quarantine and it doesn't matter whether you're vaccinated, whether you're an athlete or anything, so all the Australians that are competing here in the Olympics are on a flight and in a hotel for two weeks. So it's just something that I felt like I had to do and I don't feel like I would have played well come the end of the year and there's some obviously big events I want to focus on and it just happened to work out that I was coming to the Olympics as my first event back. I'm super excited for the next three weeks, Scottish Open and British Open are both two events really close to my heart, being half Scottish. So, yeah, the next three weeks are very important to me and just very honored to be here in this position right now.

Q. Obviously your second Olympics, tied 7th in Rio, a lot younger then. What do you think you can bring from that experience to this Olympics?

MINJEE LEE: You know, I just think that with the Olympics I think you need to get off to a fast start. For some reason I feel like last time in Rio I sort of just like slowly built up until the last round. So hopefully this time around I can start off with a good score and then just kind of build on from there.

Q. Did either of you manage to catch the crazy finish to the men's tournament and how would you feel if you were involved in something like that? A seven-way playoff.

HANNAH GREEN: I actually got to watch Cam Smith come down the line and unfortunately he bogeyed the last to miss that seven-way playoff. But I was practicing while it was all happening and I think Rory had a quote saying he's never been so excited to finish third. So it was obviously a great finish and congrats to CT Pan for knocking out six other players. But we'll see what happens this week, hopefully Minjee and I can get a podium without any playoffs.

Q. What was it like just being connected, seems like you guys had a good connection with the guys and just spending time as an Australian team all four of you and either of you can kind of answer that question.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, the last day and Sunday we all got to make out together have dinner together. That was a fun experience. Cam and Leish, they're so funny, so, no, it was just really nice for all the Aussie team to be together.

HANNAH GREEN: I think that all of us kind of needed it, got us all in the spirit and Cam and Leish haven't been to Australia in 18 months or so, so I think for them to have a room full of Australians really helped them and they have obviously got a big event again this week at the WGC, so yeah, I think it was fair dinkum for all of us.

Q. Hannah, you mentioned it's been five weeks since you played. I think the last time it was KPMG we saw you. How did you spend five weeks off and how do you get yourself ramped up again to play a massive competition when you haven't had competition in a while?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I guess that's probably the hardest thing, I had two weeks in a hotel and so about two and a half weeks back in my hometown, Perth. And unfortunately I didn't get to play at all while I was home because the weather was so bad. Which is something I didn't really factor in as we are usually pretty lucky in Australia. So yeah in the five weeks we have had winners on PGA TOUR, European Tour, LPGA, so seeing everyone win really motivated me and I wanted to get back out here as soon as possibly. So it's been nice. Kind of felt like an off-season almost coming back and seeing everyone again. So I'm definitely motivated and I hope that I haven't collected too much rust in these past five weeks but, yeah, we'll see what happens.

Q. (Question in Korean.)

MINJEE LEE: I'm very complemented so thank you very much and I hope to see the Korean fans at BMW later this year.

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