Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Bianca Pagdanganan

Quick Quotes

Q. You almost had a hole-in-one. Can you talk about that?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Apparently I almost had a hole-in-one. I think it landed like two feet short of the hole and then I think it lipped out -- my dad said it lipped out. I couldn't really see it. But it ended up pretty close. I couldn't see it. So then he said it just lipped out and I made birdie.

Q. You had two birdies in the first two holes. Does that inspire you?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I feel like that did set up the momentum for the rest of the round. Two birdies is a good way to start. So I was kind of like, okay, if I can keep this going, I can keep staying steady, then it would be a good day. So I would say I did pretty good today.

Q. In terms of the weather conditions and how you played the course, also being with your other players on the course, how was that experience?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Well regarding the weather at least it's something I'm used to. I don't think it's as humid in the Philippines, at least it's not something new, nothing that I had to really mentally prepare myself for. But of course just trying to stay hydrated as much as I can, like I was trying to drink a new bottle of water every hole. So I just thought if I kept drinking water, that's not going to hurt you. But both those girls are good friends of mine, I think it was a really good experience. It was fun. At least if I had a little bit of nerves off the tee on the first hole, maybe first tee, first two holes, I still had my friends around me and my coach was on the bag so at least there's still that sense of comfort and there were people who were able to kind of calm me down without even knowing.

Q. Three rounds to go, how do you take that challenge?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I think with three more days of golf, this weather, you really need to make sure that you don't tire yourself out. Obviously like after this I'm probably going to rest, eat and then hit a few putts, just try to work on some things that I want to work on after today's round. But yeah, I think as much as you want to maybe practice after this round you still kind of have to listen to your body and make sure that you have enough energy for the next three days of the it's a long tournament, so you got to be mentally and physically tough.

Q. (No Microphone.)

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Probably like 30 to 45 minutes of putting or maybe less. I'm trying not to stay under the sun for too long because it's really hot and it can really drain you. So yeah, maybe a couple putts, a couple short putts that I missed today.

Q. What was it like on the first tee when you were announced by the announcer, your name, your country?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: That was really nice. I love representing the Philippines during tournaments, it's so much fun. There's just so much pride when you play in these events and I guess it was kind of weird was like the first part where they zoom the camera in your face and I don't know what I'm supposed to do and so it was like, Hi, thank you. So I was kind of looking around, like what are they going to do. So that was the only thing that I was nervous about. It's like, what do I do, the camera is on me now. But there was a little bit of nerves off the tee, but I hit the fairway, so I think I hit a pretty good tee shot despite being a little bit nervous.

Q. How would you describe the 69?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I think I put myself in a pretty good position. I feel like I left a couple of shots out there, but I'm not, like I said, like this is a good spot to be in. Three more days of golf, so anything can happen.

Q. Other than you representing your country, competing at the Olympics, is that like once you are competing at the Olympics, everyone can recognize you. How important is it for you to be participating in the games?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Those are things that I try not to think about when I'm out here. All I think about is just competing. Obviously the pride that I have for my country. So I just really try to enjoy what I'm doing and whatever comes after that then it happens, but those are like things I really can't control, so the things that I can control I'll just do whatever I can.

Q. I saw you tee off. Before you started I saw you like showing off your ball. Is like your ball has something special?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Oh, it just has a Philippines flag on it and it says Team Philippines 2021. I'm probably going to frame it. But the first tee shot, first ball I used off the tee, do you want it take a picture of it? My nails are kind of bad though so don't show that. (Laughing).

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111072-1-1044 2021-08-04 04:08:00 GMT

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