Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Matilda Castren

Quick Quotes

Q. You had so many firsts this year of the first win on the LPGA Tour. First Olympics. Looks like first Solheim. Which one of those is going to stand out to you the most do you think?

MATILDA CASTREN: Yeah, I don't know. All of them are such huge deals for me and I mean well I don't think I'm ever going to forget my first win. I think that's just something that kind of started all of this and, yeah, just that feeling is something so special and like playing the Olympics I'm obviously so proud to represent Finland and to be here and like this experience has been amazing so far. Solheim is not for sure yet. I think my first win is on top of the list and it just started this whole great season.

Q. I discovered that those who grew up in different COUNTRIES than the United States, they invest a little bit more in the Olympics than maybe the U.S. players, at least on the men's side. Growing up, having probably watched the Olympics, do you feel like, was it a little bit more important to you?

MATILDA CASTREN: Yeah, definitely. I know a few players they decided to not play the Olympics, but that thought never crossed my mind. I mean, it's been one of my goals since golf became an Olympic sport. And I'm just so happy and proud to have qualified and I hope a lot of people in Finland are watching and I hope we can get, make golf bigger in Finland. The past year it's been growing a lot because of COVID, a lot of people have been, that's been one of the only sports that they can do during the whole pandemic. So golf has been growing a lot and with the success of like me on the LPGA and the other girls on the European Tour, it's definitely growing and a lot more girls are taking interest. So I think that's the most important thing playing in an event like this that's broadcast at home is, because I mean everyone knows the Olympics. Not everyone knows the Mediheal Championship or what that means, but Olympics is something that every single person can relate to and know what it is.

Q. Did you go to the Olympic village at all?


Q. So you're not staying there, I'm guessing you're staying --

MATILDA CASTREN: We moved on Monday.

Q. You did spend some time there.

MATILDA CASTREN: Yeah, so we stayed there from Thursday to Monday.

Q. What was the coolest thing about that?

MATILDA CASTREN: Just that really like made us feel part of the Olympics and the Olympians. Seeing all the athletes and I mean everything is just so like well thought out. The gym, the dorms are cool, you're staying with other athletes. I'm staying with or I was staying with one of the boxers from Finland and she just made it to the semi-finals last night and I mean if I didn't stay with her I maybe I would follow, but I wouldn't feel like that connection to her that I feel now. I'm just super proud and yeah, it was just crazy cool experience, seeing everyone and just being a part of the athletes there.

Q. Did you send the boxer a message or anything or hear from her? Are you guys in contact?

MATILDA CASTREN: I sent her a message but I think she's been getting a lot of messages, so she hasn't got back to me. But, yeah, I became her fan.

Q. Which division is she in?

MATILDA CASTREN: Light weight. So, yeah it was funny, she came home on Thursday night, so the day I met her, I didn't, I hadn't met her before I didn't really know anything about her. She comes home, all I know is that she won her match and she comes back and she has a black eye. Like, wow, that never happens on the golf course to me, so I should be very thankful (laughing.) She was like, Well, every sport has its ups and downs. And I'm like, wow, at least I don't get hit in my face.

Q. Was she a golf fan or was she interested in golf?

MATILDA CASTREN: I don't think so. So it was kind of I was learning from her and she was learning a bit from me. But we didn't get to spend as much time together as I would have hoped because we were so busy, both of us. She was kind of on a different schedule and I was on mine, so but, yeah, it was that little time I got to spend with her it was really cool and I, yeah I'm going to follow her for the rest of her career.

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111073-1-1044 2021-08-04 04:16:00 GMT

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