Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Jin Young Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. Your first round at the Olympics. How did it go out there?

JIN YOUNG KO: It was fun. I got to the first tee and I had a great feeling and especially like I'm wearing the Korean national team clothing, so it's really honor to be playing with these clothes on. So I'm happy.

Q. And how about your round?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I had a couple missed shots on the front nine, but I had a great round. A great finish on the back nine. So I'm happy. I know this course is like front nine is more harder and the back nine is more easier, so I have to aggressive play on the back nine. So I want to make more birdies chance for the birdie chance on the back nine tomorrow and for the next three days.

Q. I know you guys saw the men's Korean team. Did they give you any tips or anything?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, like men's captain, he said just hit the fairway and then hit the green and then the putting (laughing) that's it.

Q. How are you staying cool out here, it's very hot?

JIN YOUNG KO: It's really hot. I use a lot of time umbrella on the course, of course, and I'm drinking a lot of water or like a couple of bottles and eat food and like hydration. It was really hot.

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